We would like to remind all parents that it is a parental responsibility to advise the school if your child is going to be absent from school at any time. All absences recorded without a reason are marked "Unexplained", which will attract further follow up from Administration.
If your child is absent from school and you have not contacted the school, you will receive a text message requesting that you reply to the text giving a reason for the absence. (Please note if replying by SMS DO NOT use any emoji icons). An absentee reports will be run daily at 9:30am and text messages will be automatically generated and sent to parents for a response.
You are able to text the school at any time (day or night) to advise of your child's absence.
The dedicated (text only) absentee number is: 0427 907 649. This text message will be picked up in the morning and loaded into your child's Oneschool Student Record. If you have any queries or questions, please don't hesitate to contact the Office on 4417 1333.
Other options you also have to report an absence is through QParents and phoning or emailing Administration.